Here I am to worship--Melissa

Today was our second day of observation in the classrooms.  The kids and teachers were more engaging with us.  Our language barrier is, of course, still there but not inhibiting us from forming friendships.  Lorri and I helped the 8th grade class work on learning a worship song in English. That was a great honor for us to help them learn proper pronunciation. What struck me most today was the sense of God I felt.  Everywhere we go, His presence is felt around us.  I am constantly in awe of our Creator here.  I see His hand on the kids and staff at RSS and He has given me such a love for this city and the people.

Blessings, Melissa


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  63. It captures the essence of reverence and devotion in a soul-stirring rendition that resonates deeply with listeners. Melissa's emotive vocals, coupled with delicate instrumentation, create a captivating atmosphere of worship, inviting individuals to draw nearer to the divine. With each note, Melissa infuses the timeless lyrics with heartfelt sincerity, guiding listeners on a spiritual journey of surrender and adoration. This rendition of "Here I Am to Worship" serves as a poignant reminder of the power of music to uplift the soul and connect us to something greater than ourselves, making it a timeless and cherished addition to any worship playlist.
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  66. What a beautiful and moving rendition of "Here I Am to Worship," Melissa! Your voice carries such emotion and sincerity, truly bringing the song to life. The heartfelt passion you put into every note is incredibly inspiring and touching. Thank you for sharing this powerful worship experience with us – it’s truly a blessing to listen to. Keep shining and sharing your gift with the world!

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